Effective caregiving only means the ability to provide for the elder’s needs and improving their lives without exactly ruining yours. Indeed, some people can become entirely dedicated to providing for the needs of the elders that they can tend to ignore their own set of needs.
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Here are some helpful tips to enhance your relationship and foster better self-care.
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3. Dealing With Elder’s Complaints
In relation to creating your boundaries or limits, try to infuse empathy and sympathy to the elders. Immerse yourself in their position and understand why they are making such demands. When they make insulting or unfriendly remarks to you about what you did or failed to do for them, learn how to resolve that within yourself. Stay as positive as possible and redirect your attention to avoid being affected by such remarks. If you fail to overcome such negative thoughts, talk to them about it. Let them know how you felt about their reaction and your genuine concern to provide for their needs and demands. At their condition, talking to them straight would be the best way to cope with the difficulties and challenges of trying to meet their demands.
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3. Dealing With Elder’s Complaints