Effective caregiving only means the ability to provide for the elder’s needs and improving their lives without exactly ruining yours. Indeed, some people can become entirely dedicated to providing for the needs of the elders that they can tend to ignore their own set of needs.
Here are some helpful tips to enhance your relationship and foster better self-care.
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4. Dealing With Behavior Towards The Caregiver
When people are aging, they tend to exhibit extreme behavior that could cause people lacking in patience to erupt quickly. Most elder individuals exhibit dementia, which results in unusual behavior. When you notice that an elder you are caring for shows behaviors that are unusual to them, then it is best to seek professional help. This will benefit both you and your elderly loved ones as you become less frustrated and they get the immediate help they need.
When it comes to extreme behaviors, you can correct or prevent them from happening again by making it known to the elder. Never respond by using foul language yourself or raising your level of voice. If you cannot hold your temper, walk away, and let your mind relax for a while until you are ready to settle the matter with a clear mind.
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4. Dealing With Behavior Towards The Caregiver