Prowler Reported in Minford

A Minford mom contacted the Sheriff’s Office just after 1 am to report a disturbing incident involving her young daughters. 

She said they were in their room when a man with long gray hair attempted to get into the home by opening a window. 

The children ran to their mom for help. When the parents checked outside, they didn’t see anyone but they did hear noises. A deputy checked the area but didn’t see anyone.

Deputies said they would keep a close eye on the home that night.

Armed Robber on St. Rte. 140

A man contacted the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office at noon to report he was robbed and gunpoint to St. Rte. 140. He said the thieves took his tools and took off in a Green Honda.

Officers caught up with the vehicle at the Marathon Station and found the items the man said were stolen. 

He did not want to press charges. He merely wanted his property back so he could return to his home state. 


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