Rainbow Haired Woman Strips Down at Laundromat

Rainbow Haired Woman Strips Down at Laundromat

Rainbow Haired Woman Strips Down at Laundromat

A rainbow-haired woman stripped down at the laundromat and a disturbed teen barged right into a frightened stranger’s house. We hit the highlights from the Portsmouth Police Chief’s Daily Briefing.

Late Night Shenanigans

Officers answered a call to JJ’s Shenanigans just after midnight when a woman reported another woman kept hitting her in the head. Police took information for a report and took the woman home.

At 1:35 am, PPD responded to another report of issues at a bar. This time a group of folks fighting in the back of Frank & Steins Lounge. The scuffle had broken up by the time police arrived.

Suspicious Activity

Tracy Park Troubles

Under The Influence

Stripping at the Laundromat

Just after 2 pm, a caller reported 2 women stripping off their clothes at the laundromat on 17th Street.

The caller reported a woman with rainbow-colored hair was down to her bra and panties. By the time police arrived, everyone in the area was fully dressed.

Hey, That’s My Stuff

PPD responded to a break-in at Blevins Auto Sales at 7 pm. Someone opened the door, tore off the alarm, and stole a motorcycle. Police took information for a report.

CPS Contacted After Domestic Incident

Police responded to a domestic dispute on Robinson Avenue at 9:24 pm and found kids present in the home.

They detained a man and contacted CPS. A caseworker said the agency would follow up the next day since the male half f the argument was going to jail. Police took him into custody.

Stranger in my House

A Mabert Road caller reported that a strange young man barged into his house looking for someone he did not know and was now pacing up and down the street. The caller through the young man was high.

Police detained the male and made contact with his mother who wanted him taken to SOMC. An ambulance transported him to the hospital and PPD contacted CPS to report the incident.

Portsmouth Police Reports: Missed Tattoo Appointment Leads To Death Threats

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