Scioto County COVID-19: Several Dozen in Self-Quarantine

Scioto County: Several dozen in self-quarantine for COVID-19

Scioto County Several dozen in self-quarantine for COVID-19

Several dozen Scioto County residents have put themselves in self-quarantine due to the possibility they may have Coronavirus (COVID-19). No cases have been confirmed.

County Commissioner Bryan Davis and I spoke late Sunday and he said residents can be confident that the county is ready to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic when it arrives.

“The local EMA is also mobilizing and we have been in the planning phase for a few weeks now. All local health, hospital, and government agencies are mobilizing in preparation.”

Scioto County Emergency Management Director Kim Carver agreed. She said her agency held an “all-hands meeting 10 days ago when the severity of the virus became evident. Representatives from all local first responders, with the exception of the sheriff’s office, hospitals, SSU, and local health agencies discussed specific plans for dealing with persons who may have been exposed to the virus at the Emergency Operations Center. (EOC)

“To help prepare our local healthcare providers of the growing emergency the EOC pushed out emergency public information and protocols established by the Ohio Department of Health and local health departments out to all health partners and discussed ramping up EOC operations once the virus was becoming more widespread.”

The EOC will coordinate with social service agencies, first responders, medical personnel, and the health department to stay on top of the changing situation and make sure people get the help and information they need.

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