Scioto County: Money For Home Repairs

Money is available for both emergency repairs and home rehab

Money available to fix up your home

Money available to fix up your home

If you live in Scioto County and your home needs repairs that you can’t afford, the CHIP (Community Housing Improvement Program). CHIP is a state program from the Ohio Development Services Agency.

Over $2 million dollars in repairs have been made to middle and low-income homes in Scioto County with funds from the program. Money is available for both emergency repairs and home rehab.

Emergency items are immediate repairs and items like adding handicapped accessibility, electrical tap-ins, well and septic repairs or replacements, and lead paint removal. The maximum amount available for emergency repairs is $8000. 

 You must be up-to-date on your mortgage and land contract homes do not qualify.

If it will cost more than that to fix your home, the agency reserves the right to just walk away from the project.

Rehabilitation funds can be used for updating roofs and gutters, foundations, electrical upgrades, plumbing, heating systems and insulation, new windows and doors, improved flooring, and more. But there are a few strings.

You must agree to remain in the home for five years and reimburse the fun for 15% of the rehab costs when they sell or move out of the home. If you leave before five years, you’ll have to pay back more of the money.

The maximum amount spent on rehab can’t exceed $35,000.

To learn more about the program in Scioto County, call the County Commissioners Office at 740-355-8313. To learn what types of assistance are available in other counties, call (740) 622-0529.

Scioto County home repairs

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