Sex Offender Tiers
We get many messages through our Contact Page. Don’t forget, we also have “Submit a Tip” where you can report criminal activity and we’ll pass it on anonymously to the proper officials. A question that comes in often is about the Sex Offender Registry. More specifically, what do the Tiers mean? So, let’s break it down for you as best we can without a bunch of confusing legal jargon.
Ohio Sex Offender Tier Designations
Tier 1 Sex Offenses
- Importuning [ORC 2907.07]
- Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor (unless the act is consensual) [ORC 2907.04 (B)(2)]
- Voyeurism against a Minor [ORC 2907.08 (C ) & (D)]
- Sexual Imposition [ORC 2907.06]
- Gross Sexual Imposition [ORC 2907.05 (A)(1)-(3) (5)]
- Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-oriented Material or Performance [ORC 2907.323 (A)(3)]
- Voyeurism [ORC 2907.08 (A)(B) & (E)]
- Child Enticement with Sexual Motivation [ORC 2905.05]
Tier 2 Sex Offenses
- Compelling Prostitution [ORC 2907.21]
- Pandering Obscenity Involving a Minor [ORC 2907.321]
- Pandering Sexually Oriented Material Involving a Minor [ORC 2907.322]
- Illegal Use of a Minor in Nudity-oriented Material or Performance [ORC 2907.323 (A)(1) & (2)]
- Child Endangering [ORC 2919.22 (B)(5)]
- Kidnapping with Sexual Motivation [ORC 2905.01 (A)(1)(3)(5)]
- Unlawful Sexual Conduct with a Minor [ORC 2907.04 (B)(1)(3)(4)]
- Any Sexual Offense that occurs after the offender has been classified as a Tier I sex offender.
Tier 3 Sex Offenses
- Rape [ORC 2907.02]
- Sexual Battery [ORC 2907.03]
- Aggravated Murder with Sexual Motivation [ORC 2903.01]
- Murder with Sexual Motivation [ORC 2903.02]
- Unlawful Death or Termination of Pregnancy As A Result of Committing or Attempting to Commit a Felony with Sexual Motivation [ORC 2903.04]
- The kidnapping of Minor to Engage in Sexual Activity [ORC 2905.01(A)(4)]
- The kidnapping of Minor, Not By a Parent [ORC 2905.01(B)]
- Gross Sexual Imposition with a Child Under 13 [ORC 2907.05 (A)(4)]
- Felonious Assault with Sexual Motivation [ORC 2903.11]
- Any Sexual Offense that occurs after the offender has been classified as a Tier II sex offender
This article is for informational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. If you, or someone you know, are experiencing abuse, please contact your local law enforcement agency. Also, you can contact the Department of Job and Family Services (855-642-4453), The Board of Children’s Services (740-456-4164), or the Domestic Abuse Shelter (740-456-8217) for guidance.
In addition, there are certain professionals and people that are Mandated Reporters when they suspect child abuse is occurring. Mandated Reporters include, but are not limited to:
- Attorneys
- Child care workers
- Clergy
- Daycare personnel
- Dentists
- Foster Parents
- Nurses, Physicians, and most Hospital Personnel
- Psychiatrists
- School authorities, employees and teachers