Shawnee State Forest: Taking A Drive

Shawnee State Forest is a beautiful area located on State Route 125 near Friendship, Ohio

Shawnee State Park is a beautiful area located on State Route 125 near Friendship, Ohio. The park itself is nestled within Shawnee State Forest, making it the home to campground sites, hiking trails, and the state-renowned Shawnee State Lodge.

The park is over 1,000 acres and has been nicknamed “The Little Smokies” because of its natural beauty. When the Shawnee Indians lived in the area, this park served as a well-known hunting ground.

The park also features a Nature Center where visitors come from all over the tri-state area to learn about the animal and plant species that are native to Shawnee Forest, as well as the invasive species that have been imported by humans over the years.

Before Shawnee State Forest was made into a state forest in 1922, it was used for collecting timber and mining stone for building houses. There are five different lakes located in the Forest, and they were used to provide water to the mining and logging operations during this time.

Shawnee State Park provides guests with many opportunities to see the beauty and tranquility of the wildlife in Scioto County through guest programs and educational tours.

This video comes from SCDN Local Interest TV

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