SOAR Business Park will be worth the wait
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers once said that “The waiting is the hardest part.” All three Scioto County Commissioners agreed with that sentiment as they discussed progress on the SOAR (Southern Ohio Aeronautical Regional) Business Park. Commissioners approved a motion to apply for funding that would allow for putting up spec buildings for potential occupants of the park. A spec building is where you build the building before you have a buyer hoping that it will appeal to someone.
While the business park project is moving along, Bryan Davis admits that the wait on some things can be frustrating. “We always want to go faster. But unfortunately with the government, it always goes slower than anticipated. It’s no one’s fault.” He said the process of applying for grants can be agonizingly slow.
Commissioner Cathy Coleman agreed. “One of the things that us challenging for me as a commissioner is the time frame. It’s no one’s fault.”
Commissioner Mike Crabtree added, “We know how fast government works. Everything might be moving as fast as it can.”
Davis said that with major infrastructure work completed to the roads along with sewer and electrical upgrades the pace may pick up a bit. Next on the agenda is a water study to make sure there’s an adequate water flow for fire suppression.
Davis said it’s important to think long-term with the project. “What everybody needs to see is how much that ties into what’s going on at the airport. If you’ve been you there lately you’ll see how it’s starting to be transformed. “We’re looking out 5,10,15,30 years. We may never see the results of what we’re starting today.” But he says the results could be spectacular for economic growth. “It’s massive. The potential is huge. We’re hearing that a kit from companies and developers. They’re saying you’ve got a goldmine there. It’s huge.”