Teachers Want Two Things This Holiday Season

Teachers holiday appreciation

Teachers Want Two Things This Holiday Season: Appreciation and Online Learning Platforms

From risking their safety to help children learn in-person to navigating a completely new way of online teaching, teachers have faced and overcome so much this year. Every holiday season offers an opportunity to show teachers how much we appreciate them, but this year, the need to do so feels even greater. According to a new survey from Study.com, the number one thing teachers want is a letter of appreciation and the number one thing they need is access to more online learning platforms.

The results from Study.com’s Survey Says revealed the following:

Teachers are bearing the financial brunt of Covid-19:

Teachers aren’t asking for much, but parents might not have much to give:

Giving the gift of remote learning:

Giving the gift of appreciation:

Study.com is committed to increasing access to education and supporting teachers with partnerships with organizations like DonorsChooseThrough the DonorsChoose partnership, Study.com will match donations made to teachers to provide access to Study.com’s online learning platform.

Study.com Survey Says is a monthly research project conducted by Study.com to provide regular snapshots of teachers, parents, and students’ perspectives on the world of learning. Study.com surveyed 101 K-12 teachers and 170 parents from November 13-18, 2020.

Teachers holiday appreciation Teachers holiday appreciation

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