The Benefits of Waiting for Labor To Begin Naturally

The Benefits of Waiting for Labor To Begin Naturally

Pregnancy is a beautiful and wild ride, but many moms agree that when they are ready to deliver, the baby sometimes misses the cue. There are benefits to waiting for labor to begin naturally and holding out for medical inductions. This article discusses some of these advantages and sheds light on the importance of the 40-week process.

Your Baby Is Hard at Work

Each trimester of your pregnancy will carry various and distinct developmental differences, each serving a fundamental purpose. In that first trimester, your baby is hard at work becoming its own being, turning cells into matter and matter into organs and all the human parts. This process will weigh on you physically as your body begins to construct these features from pure genetics and nutrients.

Once you reach the second and third trimesters, your baby is hard at work growing, nourishing, and developing the necessary neurons to come earthside. Trust that each day and all three trimesters serve a profound purpose for the betterment of your baby’s growth. When the going gets tough in the third trimester, try not to jump ship through medical induction, and allow your baby the time and space it needs to develop in a safe and secure womb space.

The Physical Labor Preparation

One of the most necessary facets in those finals weeks and days is the labor preparations your body will perform. Your body is incredible and wise and will do various things to ensure it can perform when your baby sends the exit signal. Cervix softening, opening, and pelvic floor shifting all take place in those final moments and contribute to your body’s performance while in labor and delivery.

Yes, the journey can become uncomfortable, and you’re welcome to consider natural alternative induction measures to encourage these steps and your baby. However, try to allow your body the time and space to expand and prepare for delivery.

The Purpose of the 40 Weeks

Unless you and your provider decide to medically induce before week 40, it’s beneficial to go the full distance and allow labor to unfold naturally. One significant reason for making it to 40 weeks is that your due date can sometimes be misjudged, and your exact full-term marker could vary by a week or two.

So, if you hit week 40 and your gestational markers happen to be off, you’re either 38, 39, or past 40 weeks, and your baby is considered full-term and ready. If you near week 42, it may be wise to partner with your provider to consider the healthiest induction methods.

Understandably, the end of your pregnancy can feel like the longest, most draining phase in your life. Know that your feelings are valid and your baby is getting ready one day at a time. Always partner with your provider to answer your questions and discuss risks and concerns, and remember that every decision you make is the best for you and your baby.

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