The City of Portsmouth Will Cut Your Grass for $500

City Council members were asked to approve an amendment to the city’s current grass-cutting policy at Monday’s City Manager’s Meeting. 

Currently, if your grass is taller than six inches, the city can cut it for $200. If the lot is large, the city will charge you an additional $100 per hour.

There is a new fee for the second offense. If the city needs to cut your grass again, it will cost you $500.

The 4th Ward Councilperson, Lyvette Mosley, expressed concern that the fee may be excessive.

Joey Sandlin, 5th Ward Councilperson, wanted to make sure all efforts were made to contact the resident before cutting the grass and charging fees.

Andy Cole, 4th Ward Councilperson, said that the grass has reached between 12 and 24 inches. He said that would be more difficult to cut than a typical violator who is just over the 6-inch rule.

During the discussion, it was pointed out that if the person fails to pay his or her bill, the fines will be added to the property tax bill.

The measure was ultimately approved unanimously.

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