Keeping your classroom organized can be difficult, especially since you must keep track of your childrens’ mess and your own. It’s safe to say that it isn’t the easiest job, but that’s why we’re here to help. Check out our tips for a more organized classroom and get started cleaning today!
1. Start With Your Desk
Your work area sets the stage for your classroom, and it’s paramount that you keep it clean and organized. Remember that you’re the role model for these kids, so it would be wise to clean your desk before you try to get them to clean theirs. Students will respect you more if they see that you “walk the walk” regarding cleanliness. This means you must ensure that there isn’t any errant paperwork or pencils on your desk. Keep your workspace clean and set a good example; it’ll make it easier for you to work with the children under your care.
2. Utilize Shelves
Even if you must install them yourself, shelves can be an excellent way to tidy up. As a teacher, you’ll likely accumulate gifts, souvenirs, teddy bears, and other gifts from your students. A shelf is an excellent place to put all those things. To further give it a more organized look, make sure you label your shelf with color-coded labels so that you’ll know where to put everything briefly. Remember, time spent organizing takes away from time you could be fleshing out a lesson plan or grading papers, so knowing where everything is on your shelves is a boon. This is a great tip for staying organized in your classroom.
3. Make a Substitute Teacher Folder
Unfortunately, substitute teachers won’t know the nuances of your class and your students like you do. Therefore, it’s important to give them the needed information about your class if you’re going to organize your classroom. You want to ensure things don’t get out of hand when you’re gone. We suggest you make a list or folder of things they should know, students that are more ‘difficult’ than others, how to teach them best, and lesson plans. This way, you have everything covered, and nothing will get out of hand in your absence.
In short, you’ll be well on understanding how to organize your classroom with these tips. It can be not easy to take on, but as long as you keep these tips in mind, you’ll be on the right track to a new classroom.