Tips To Stop Your Puppy From Chewing Everything

Tips To Stop Your Puppy From Chewing Everything

Bringing a new puppy into your home is an exciting moment filled with joy and new beginnings. However, along with the cuddles and cute moments, puppies tend to chew on anything they can get their paws on. From shoes to furniture, nothing is safe unless you take proactive steps to curb this natural behavior. Understanding why puppies chew and employing effective strategies can protect your belongings and help your puppy grow into a well-mannered dog. 

Let’s look at some tips to stop your puppy from chewing everything.

Why Do Puppies Chew?

Puppies are curious and playful, exploring the world around them by using their mouths. Chewing also helps relieve the discomfort of teething in puppies. However, when that curiosity turns into destructive chewing, it can become an issue for the puppy and their owner.

How To Stop Your Puppy From Chewing Everything

Now that you know why puppies chew, take a look at some steps you can take to redirect this behavior.

Provide Appropriate Chew Toys

Puppies need an outlet for their natural chewing behavior, so providing them with appropriate chew toys is important. Look for sturdy, non-toxic toys specifically designed for puppies. Avoid giving them old shoes or household items, as they won’t understand the difference between their toys and your belongings.

Supervise Your Puppy

Supervision is key when it comes to puppy chewing. Keep an eye on them, especially during their most active times, and redirect their attention to their chew toys if you catch them chewing on something they shouldn’t be.

Use Bitter Spray or Deterrents

Bitter sprays or deterrents are safe and effective ways to discourage your puppy from chewing on certain items. These sprays taste bitter, making your puppy think twice before taking a bite of your furniture or shoes.

Keep Valuables Out of Reach

Puppies are naturally curious and can easily get into items left out in the open. Ensure that valuables such as shoes, electronics, and important documents are kept out of their reach.

Establish Boundaries

Teaching your puppy boundaries is crucial when it comes to chewing. Start by training them to chew only on their toys and not on anything else. Consistency is key, so everyone in the household must enforce the same rules.

Be Patient and Understanding

Puppy chewing is a natural behavior that takes time and patience to direct. Punishing or scolding them will only confuse and scare your puppy, leading to more destructive behaviors. Instead, be patient and understanding while using positive reinforcement techniques.

Puppy chewing can be frustrating, but it’s important to remember that it is a normal part of their development. By following these tips to stop your puppy from chewing everything, you can teach them what is acceptable to chew on and protect your belongings. Focusing on protecting your house from puppy chewing and providing your pup with a safe and loving environment will help them grow into a well-behaved and happy dog. Remember, with consistency and patience, you can stop your puppy from chewing everything in sight.  

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