To the Republicans that make up 70%+ of Scioto County

There is an important question to consider when looking at a political candidate or a sitting elected official. Does Party matter most or does job performance, ethics, and behavior becoming of an elected official matter most?

If only Party matters, then we should have continued the corrupt Donini Dynasty and Pizzulli needs to stay in Columbus.

By the election of Sheriff David Thoroughman and the rally behind Gina Collinsworth, it seems most of you are more concerned about the latter.

I also believe that (no matter the party affiliation) job performance, ethics, and behavior becoming of an elected official certainly leads the way forward to a better governance.

The current front-runner for the GOP Nomination for President says, “They go after me so I go after them. I’m a counter-puncher. I fight back and fight harder than they ever imagined.”

On Thursday night, August 24th, I was harassed and threatened by an elected official in an unprovoked attack. Regardless of the letter behind their name, I will not stand for it as a citizen of the boundlessly beautiful county of Scioto. I will not stand for it as a news publisher. I certainly will not stand for it as a father who continues to endeavor modeling upright behavior to my adult children and their children.

In the coming days and weeks, as I go to battle with this elected official, keep our conversation today in mind.

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