Victim Transferred to Columbus Hospital After Dog Bite 

Officers, EMS, and the Dog Warden responded to an Oak Street home after what appears to be a serious dog bite injury. 

The call came in just after 7 p.m. for a report that a dog bit a man at a Sciotodale home. The injury was serious enough for an ambulance to transport the injured man to Southern Ohio Medical Center for treatment.  

Deputies headed to the home of the dog’s owner and contacted the dog warden who also responded to the home. The dog warden seized the animal.  

When officers headed to the hospital to get a statement from the victim, they learned he had already been transferred to Grant Hospital in Columbus.  

At 11:30 a.m., officers responded to another report of an issue with dogs, this time on Sycamore Road. The caller said a neighbor allowed her dogs to run loose, and they chased her daughter.  

The Dog Warden responded to the scene and caught one loose animal. She spotted the other three in crates covered by a tarp on the property and another inside a camper. Officers learned the owner was in the Scioto County Jail. The dog warden said she couldn’t do anything about the other animals on the property and advised calling the humane agent.  

However, the humane agent was busy with an event and said she would stop by the next day. 

A Shump Road neighbor called 9-1-1 at 7 p.m. to report a loose pit bull running around her home. A deputy spoke with the dog warden who said that if the dog was still in the area on Monday, the homeowner should call their office and make a report.  

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