Ways Truck Drivers Can Make Their Drives Safer

Ways Truck Drivers Can Make Their Drives Safer

Whether you are a veteran pickup driver or just a newbie, you could benefit from a quick review on ways truck drivers can make their drives safer. The more opportunities truck drivers have to review healthy habits, the safer our roads will be overall.

Maintain Proper Stopping Distance

If pickup truck drivers ignore how their vehicles operate, they may forget that they carry more momentum than typical cars. Since pickup trucks have so much weight pushing them forward, they must maintain a careful distance from other vehicles out front. The general rule is that a pickup driver should keep a minimum of two car lengths between themself and others. That should give you plenty of space in case you need to brake.

Install Backup Cameras

Enlarged blind spots are one of the most difficult elements of pickup truck driving. You must remember that there could be as much as 50 feet behind you every time you back up that you cannot see. This creates a whole plethora of possible accidents, especially for young children that walk behind the vehicle.

One of the most important ways truck drivers can make their drives safer is to either purchase a pickup with a backup camera or install a new one to their truck. These devices send a real-time video of the events behind your vehicle to your cabin. By observing the possible obstacles behind you, you can feel safer backing up.

Do Not Use Your Cellphone and Wear Your Seatbelt

Although specialty modifications can help keep your truck safe, sometimes you only need common sense to avoid the greatest dangers on the road. For example, we all know that looking at your cell phone can drastically increase the likelihood of an accident, and seatbelts diminish your risk of serious injury. So, put down the phone and buckle up. If you want to be a responsible pickup truck driver, you must follow these simple, non-negotiable truck safety rules.

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