Woman Injured By Hit and Run ATV

An air ambulance transported a woman to the hospital after she was hit by an ATV in Rarden. The call came in to dispatch at 4:30 pm that a woman had been hit by an ATV.

A rescue squad responded to the scene and sent for an air ambulance. The rescue squad took the woman to a landing zone, and an air ambulance transported her to St. Mary’s Hospital. 

Officers searched for the ATV driver and pursued him, but broke off the chase due to a female passenger on the back of the ATV.

Girl Injured By Kick From Horse

Just before 11 pm, an O’Connor road mom contacted the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office to report that her daughter had been kicked by a horse. She said the girl was unconscious and unresponsive. 

A rescue squad was dispatched to the scene. After evaluating the victim, medics requested an air ambulance. The rescue squad met up with them at the Northwest High School Landing Zone.

An ambulance transported her to the hospital.

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