Woman Ready To Open Fire on Trespasser 

Woman Ready To Open Fire on Trespasser 

A South Webster homeowner contacted deputies just after 1:30 pm to report that a man who’d been told to stay off her property was there again. She said that if he stepped foot back on the property, she was going to shoot him. 

Dispatch advised her that she couldn’t just shoot someone for walking on her property. The woman insisted she knew her Second Amendment rights. Dispatch advised her she could be arrested if that happened.  

The woman refused to give her name, said she’d already asked for an officer, and hung up. Dispatch called her back and asked her to stay on the line and provide more details. 

The woman said she’d spotted a man she’d previously to stay off her property on her land again. She yelled at him to go away, and he ran back into the woods. 

A deputy spoke with the woman, who said she was afraid because she believed the individual was on drugs but did not want to shoot anyone on her property unless she was in danger. She said she would be putting security cameras.  

Officers advised her to call them if he came back.  

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