A visibly upset Fifth Ward Councilman Edwin Martell lashed out at his opponent Joey Sandlin and said, “My opponent, Joey Sandlin, has really made this whole process really disgusting.” Martell expressed his concerns during a Facebook Live broadcast on Sunday evening. He took a sunset walk along the new multi-use path by the flood wall and spoke of what he called a “disheartening” campaign. However, not everyone was able to view the video.
Martell had blocked some members of the press, his opponent, and some of his constituents from viewing the video on Facebook. The question of whether elected officials have the right to block others on social media has been a hot-button topic. Former President Donald Trump was heavily criticized for blocking members of the press, political opponents, and people who rubbed him the wrong way on Twitter.
Recently, Ohio Senator. Joe Uecker, agreed to pay $20,000 to settle a lawsuit with a constituent he blocked on Facebook.
Great People End Up Not Running
“I’ve wrestled around with the idea of defending myself a bit. I’ve taken a lot of hits and a lot of blows and a lot of underhanded comments,” Martell said. “The whole process of the election has really shown me a lot of things. Great people who do great things don’t end up running for reasons of what I’m about to talk about.”
Martell said it wasn’t just personal criticism he objected to. “It’s kind of sad, disturbing, and can sometimes be demoralizing when you receive such attacks. It’s not just on a personal level. I’m talking the city as a whole.”
In Awe of the Lack of Knowledge
The councilman seemed especially upset by recent profiles of the candidates in the Portsmouth Daily Times newspaper. His opponent Joey Sandlin spoke of being pro-business. Martell claims Sandlin is unaware of the current business boom and listed dozens of new businesses and attractions. “If city council and myself are not pro-business, then how did we create already a city where all of these businesses are encouraged to come and spend to invest their money.” Martell said he’d done a lot to help these businesses overcome challenges and get going. “To say that city council is not pro-business it is false, it is a lie. The criticism we receive as a city is sickening and disgusting”. He said he was “In awe of the lack of knowledge that is going on with some of these candidates.”
Martell claimed that Sandlin also attacked many local organizations that have done great work to improve the city. “it’s disheartening to know that someone who has never been a part of anything related to our community is allowed to criticize the individuals and organizations that have put in tons of work.”
An Experience I May Not Want To Endure Again
He noted that Sandlin had been endorsed by police but said that other endorsements were just as important. “It’s great to have the endorsement of the police department. Our community is just as important. Let’s talk about being pro-police. He said Sandlin had yet to attend any community events put on by the police department.”
At times, Martell choked up, saying the attacks on him and the city were overwhelming. “It’s been an experience I may not want to endure again.”
This is Martell’s first election. He was appointed in January of 2020 to replace the position left vacant by Councilman Gene Meadows. Martell missed the filing deadline to appear on the ballot and is running as a write-in candidate. “In this moment of division, where we have someone who blatantly disregards a lot of the work and the great things the city has to offer…this is the best place I’ve ever lived. This place I call my home. In this moment of division, where we have someone who blatantly disregards a lot of the work and the great things the city has to offer…this is the best place I’ve ever lived. This place I call my home.”
Who Will Want To Work With You?
He also questioned whether council members would want to work with Sandlin. “Who’s gonna want to work with you? Okay, I’ll wait. I hear crickets. No one.”
He accused his opponent of smearing him on his social medial and on the Scioto County Daily News. SCDN publisher Mark Craycraft said that Martell has declined offers for an interview and that Martell was permitted to share posts if he wished to.
Martell encouraged everyone to vote. “I’m so tired of the bashings, I’m tired of the criticisms, I’m tired of the empty promises. We as the city have come a long way. We do not deserve to be treated with such disrespect.”
SCDN reached out to his opponent Joey Sandlin for comment and has yet to hear back.