Even though cars are a constant in many of our lives, they also provide an incredibly dangerous form of travel. As more and more vehicles hit the road, accidents continue to rise. Read on to discover our top four upgrades to make your car safer on the road.
Backup Camera
Once you’ve tried out a car that has a backup camera, you’ll never want to return to the “old ways.” Thankfully, you don’t have to! Even if your vehicle doesn’t come equipped with a backup camera, you can install one for a relatively low price. There are several cameras that attach to your rear license plate and provide a live feed to a small monitor you install on your dashboard.
You can also splurge for a backup camera that assists you with parking, although these will run up your tab!
Better Tires
While you may not think of many “performance” upgrades as “safety” upgrades, it’s true for tires! Because your tires are the points of contact with the road, their ability to grip is crucial to maintaining control over your vehicle. High-performance tires keep you locked to the road regardless of weather or heat, so make the upgrade today!
Lane-Departure Warning System
It’s a scary feeling when you notice you’ve drifted out of your lane—how long have you been right up against the rumble strip? A lane-departure warning system lets you know as soon as you leave your lane so you can correct the mistake and get back to safety as soon as possible.
This system looks at the painted lines on either side of your vehicle and tells you when you start to drift—a must-have feature if you drive alone.
Strut Bars
Many older vehicles have flexible chassis, which are very dangerous when taking sharp corners. There are plenty of reasons you should upgrade your strut bars, but increasing your vehicle’s stability is at the very top of the list.
Now that you know these top four upgrades to make your car safer on the road, increase your security and drive from point A to point B with no worries.