A car accident or collision is a frightening ordeal. But once you’re okay and it’s time to move on, you’ll need your vehicle repaired. If you’re not familiar with mechanics or auto repair, finding one you can trust can be stressful. We’ve put together a few questions you should ask before getting your car repaired so that you can know your mechanic is reliable and capable of fixing your vehicle.
Have You Worked on My Make and Model Before?
Certain shops specialize in specific makes and types of cars, such as trucks, sports cars, or international imports. If you have a vintage or unique vehicle, it’s good to find a mechanic who has worked on the same kind of make or model before.
Even if you have a typical vehicle, it helps if the mechanic has prior experience working on the make or model.
Can You Explain My Repair Options?
In most collision or accident repair cases, you’ll find that there are multiple options for a mechanic to make repairs. You may not be an auto expert, but you can ask your mechanic what the options for your cars are and have them explain them to you in layman’s terms.
You don’t need a detailed presentation on everything, but it’s a good idea to get the basic pros and cons of all repair strategies available. It’s good to jot down some notes if you want a second opinion from another auto shop.
Naturally, the mechanic will have a recommendation. Ask him why he chose that one and not the others. Also, inquire about which repair options are the most extensive, quickest, and most affordable.
What Warranties Do You Offer?
Most auto body shops offer warranties and guarantees on their services and parts, so you should ask your mechanic what they offer. Not every shop offers warranties, though. And if they don’t, you might want to consider another auto shop or ask them why they don’t.
The types of parts that are available and their warranties could also influence which repair option you choose to proceed with.
Can I Get a Written Estimate?
Before a mechanic performs any work on your car, you’ll want an estimate, and it’s always a good idea to get that estimate in writing with a signature from the mechanic or shop. It may sound tedious, but you’ll feel better having a written statement for the future if any problems arise.
It can be challenging to get an accurate post-accident repair estimate, but the key is to get as much detail as possible in writing. How long will it take, what parts will they use, and what are the labor costs? It’ll put your mind at ease and give you some insurance in the future.
Getting your car repaired can be stress-inducing, especially if you’re not knowledgeable about vehicles and auto repairs. But, if you keep these questions you should ask before getting your car repaired in mind, you should find a reliable and capable auto shop to work on your vehicle.