Windows 7 support ends next week
A heads-up for those of you still using computers that run on Windows 7. Microsoft support for your PC ends on Tuesday, January 14. That can still affect you even if you don’t have a PC.
If the operating system being used by places you do business with like banks, doctor’s offices, and other places that have your personal, banking, and credit card information. If their computers aren’t up-to-date, you are at risk.
Why? Because hackers are constantly on the attack and Microsoft continually updates the security for your PC to fight off those attacks. Without Microsoft doing that work, no one will be able to protect a PC. Even if you have a security service like AVAST or Norton, they won’t have the necessary information to protect a computer without that information from Microsoft.
Don’t be afraid to ask businesses which operating system their computers use. They do have the option to purchase expensive extended support from Microsoft. If they’re running Windows 7, ask if they did.
What does that mean to you at home? Well, your computer isn’t going to suddenly stop working but it will no longer be safe to use online.
It won’t be safe to visit websites or to use it to get email.
If you still have a Windows 7 computer, you have a couple of options. You can still use it but don’t go online with it or you can upgrade to Windows 10. That will cost you around $140, so you might do better just to buy an inexpensive or used PC with Windows 10 installed.