Your insurance premium isn’t a set number in most plans, with the rate changing depending on your personal situation and the risk the company takes on by insuring you. There’s not much you can control in your pricing, but you can control your driving record as it can significantly impact your rates, and here’s how.
Any Diving Violations
A driving violation gets recorded on your record, which is one of the things insurance companies check before insuring people. Even one driving violation, regardless of size or severity, can increase your premium. Do everything you can to avoid breaking the law while driving to prevent infringements on your record to keep your premium low.
Vehicular Accidents
Many insurance companies also consider your history of vehicular accidents when determining your premium cost. The insurance company could raise your premium even if the accident wasn’t your fault. It’s best to drive safely at all times to lower the risk of an accident and keep your premium costs down.
Serious Offenses
While a driving violation, like a speeding ticket, can cause your insurance rate to increase, the more severe the crime is, the more your costs can increase. Infringements like DUIs or reckless driving charges can significantly impact your insurance premiums nationwide. That’s why following the law is essential for your safety and financial health.
Special Punishments
Some states tack on additional punishments to discourage more serious offenses, which can affect your insurance rates. One of the most common examples is the SR-22, which people need to get their license back after a suspension. This punishment means you’ll need higher insurance coverage to qualify for your license, which results in higher insurance costs. Though the SR-22 is confusing, you can still buy your broad form insurance with the form, but at a much higher price.
While your driving records aren’t the only factors that can affect the price of your insurance, it’s one of the few you can control. That’s why keeping your record as clean as possible from day one is vital for anyone needing a vehicle and the necessary insurance.