Angry Woman Blocks School Bus on Possum Hollow Road
A Wheelersburg School Bus Driver reported that an angry resident of Possum Hollow Road had refused to back up or move out of the way to allow the bus to pick up a child. The driver allegedly wanted the bus to back up and got out of her vehicle to cuss out the driver when she was informed it was against school district police for the bus to back up in that fashion.
The woman finally allowed someone else to back up her vehicle so the bus could continue. When deputies spoke to the woman, she said she could not turn and did have to have someone move her car. Officers explained that the school system does not allow bus drivers to back up on the roadway and advised the woman not to curse in front of school children.
Dirty Needles Found in Wheelersburg
A Wheelersburg business owner contacted the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office to complain about dirty needles left on the ground near her business on Ohio River Road.
The woman told dispatch she moved from Portsmouth due to the increasing homeless population and the amount of drug usage, but now she was encountering it in Wheelersburg. She said there were dirty needles in her grass and she would not ask her employees to risk their life picking them up.
A deputy responded to the scene and disposed of the needles in a sharps container.