County Commissioners are praising the efforts of the probationers participating in Scioto County’s work release program during the month of January.
Bryan Davis said they have done a wonderful job contributing to the finishing work for the relocated Adult Probation Department in the basement of the courthouse and complimented them on their work at helping to keep the Scioto County neat and clean. Plus, they also participated in helping the County Coroner, PSI, and State Auditor move their offices to different areas.
In addition to improving the look of the courthouse, those participating in the work release also helped remove a lot of trash from the county highways. Forty-nine bags of trash were collected during that period. Just this Monday, work release participants picked up 22 bags of garbage in Franklin Furnace near the Greenup Dam.
Participating in work release saved people from a total of 40 days in jail and saved the county $2400 in costs for housing those inmates. Additionally, 96 hours of probation was completed in lieu of jail time.
Davis said that the jail is nearing capacity and alternatives to incarceration are important.