Body Found In Portsmouth, Ohio Shed


Portsmouth, Ohio Police found a body in a shed and dealt with a string of bizarre calls that appeared to be related to drugs. We break down the highlights.

Suspicious Activity

The Guest That Wouldn’t Leave

A 7th Street caller reported a drunk woman who refused to leave. Officers advised the woman to leave and wait somewhere for a ride. Police said she didn’t seem intoxicated to them.

Choked By A Boyfriend

At 8:43 am, officers responded to Mabert Road for a domestic violence incident. A woman said her boyfriend choked her. He left the home but she was afraid he would come back.

Police took her to a domestic violence shelter.

Busted Windows

Officer answered a call to the Park and Ride at 8:54 am. A caller reported the window busted out of a vehicle parked there. Police took information for a report and contacted the registered owner of the vehicle.

Out In The Road

Cussing Up A Storm

Police responded to a report of someone walking around Washington Street and “cussing up a storm.”  When police caught up with her, she told them she broke a window at Streich Apartments and also that someone used drones to steal from her.

Officers said she appeared to have mental health issues.

Body Found In Shed

Just after 10 am, police received a report of a man inside a shed at a Wayne Avenue apartment who was not breathing.

When officers arrived, they discovered he was dead. Police called for the coroner. The coroner transport took the man to the Montgomery County Coroner’s Office for an autopsy.

Identity Theft

Another case of identity theft. This time a woman called the police at 11:43 am to report someone charged $1000 to her bank card.

Shooting Up At Kroger

Officers received a report of a woman shooting up inside a car at Kroger at 1:11 pm. When police arrived on the scene, they found her asleep in the driver’s seat.

She claimed she had nothing police would be interested in on her and gave permission to search her vehicle. An officer said she frantically searched herself and the immediate area in the car when they asked her to step out.

When the woman opened the door, an officer saw a baggie of what appeared to be crack cocaine. When an officer patted her down, they discovered a glass tube of what appeared to be crack in her sweatshirt pocket.

From the report, it does not appear that she was arrested.

Hey, That’s My Stuff!

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