Caller Reports Horrible Mom
A caller contacted PPD to report someone for being a horrible parent at 9:18 pm. The caller said the mom of a teen living in a Wayne Avenue Apartment was encouraging the boy to sell drugs.
Further, the boy had recently attempted to buy a gun. Officers tried to make contact with the mom and son, but nobody was home.
7th Street Teens Threatened With Gun
Just before midnight, a 7th Street mom called the police to report that a man drove by in a vehicle and waved a gun at her teenage children.
She identified the driver and the person with the gun to the police. Officers took information for a report.
Assault Reported in Tracy Park
At 6:20 pm, a man called 911 to report he was assaulted in Tracy Park. He told officers he would meet them at Kroger.
By the time police arrived, the man was nowhere to be found. Officers searched the park but could not locate him.
Later that night, just after 1:30 am, officers checked the park and found five homeless people camping out. Police asked them to leave, and they complied.