Best Cashier: “I Love You”
As most of you know, I rarely go out. In fact, when I do leave, my neighbors take note. On a recent journey out into the world, I made a stop by a local drive-thru convenience store. At the end of the transaction, the normal “thank you’s” took an unexpected turn. I said thank you and the cashier replied with “Love You”.
It seemed that he heard himself say the words as quickly as I did. A quick double-take glance and the blush of embarrassment covered not only his face but his entire head. I slightly cocked my head, smiled, and fixed my gaze on him. He took a beat and then explained that he was accustomed to being at home with his wife and grandchildren. He said, that this was a new, part-time, job for him.
In hindsight, I should have gotten out of the car and broken every social distancing guideline and given him a hug through that drive-thru window. Instead, the next best thing is to share this beautiful story with you.
After months of mass isolation and distancing, we are so afraid of each other. For the first time, “Stranger Danger” is a thing. Do I hold the door open for someone or just let it shut so they feel more protected from me? This whole thing is “Cooties” for adults.
We don’t want to take money. We don’t want to sit next to someone. It is now perfectly acceptable to put food deliveries on the floor of our porches as the driver runs away. Signs in stores demanding to remove your hoodies so they can see your face have now been replaced with Cover Your Face Or We Won’t Serve You. Just a few short months ago, if a cashier whipped out the Lysol and wiped down the counter after serving you, it would be offensive and even rude. Now, the next person in line gives a sigh of relief.
So, to the world’s best cashier, I love you too. You made my day.