A child was airlifted to the hospital after an incident at the Red Roof Inn in Wheelersburg on Saturday night.
Just before 7 pm, a report that a child fell 8 feet onto a concrete floor and was not breathing came into Scioto County Dispatch. The caller advised they were attempting CPR.
By the time the deputies arrived, the child was awake and alert, but EMS personnel feared there may have been a head or neck injury.
EMS personnel sent for an air ambulance and met them at a landing zone at the old Wheelersburg High School.
Adult Threatens To Shoot Child at Lett Terrace
A disturbing report from the West Side came in at 3:30 pm. A concerned mom said an adult man threatened to shoot her 12-year-old son.
Police went to the man’s home, but he refused to answer the door. Officers advised the woman on the procedure for filing a protection order.
Worker Injured at Altivia Chemical Plant
Just after 10 am on Friday, EMS personnel responded to the Altivia Chemical Plant on Haverhill-Ohio Furnace Road after a report of an injured worker.
According to the caller, the worker fell and had possibly broken a leg. A squad responded to the scene.