It was unanimously voted by the Scioto County Commissioners to ask the voters to support an increase in the Children’s Services tax levy from 1 mill to 3 mills. If approved by the voters, this levy would last for the next 10 years.
Documents provided by the Commissioners indicate that the County Auditor has certified that Scioto County, Ohio, has a total current tax valuation of $1,230,751,490.
This millage will generate $3,600,000 per year in revenue.
How will the money be spent?
This money is intended “for the purpose of the support of the children services and for the care and placement of abused, neglected and dependent children in Scioto County, Ohio”.
If approved by a majority of voters on November 8th, the levy will be “placed on the tax lists of the current tax year, commencing in 2022, first due in the calendar year 2023”.
How did they arrive at this number?
There have been questions raised regarding the projected deficit and its growth over the past year. In January of this year, the idea of an independent audit was raised in the monthly board meeting (when there was a board to have a meeting). It was intended to identify potential savings, overspending, inefficiencies, exorbitant service fees, and income opportunities that might have been missed.
That audit was never conducted.
Will $3.6 Million be enough?
If the projected deficit grew from $1.1 million to $3 million since the first of the year, will $3.6 million be enough to fully fund “the care and placement of abused, neglected and dependent children in Scioto County, Ohio”? Moreover, will it be sufficient to sustain the organization for the next ten years?
The county also contracts with two other providers: Oasis and Necco. Even though one has promised a “price lock” for three years, what happens after that? When one raises the rates, the County would naturally turn to the other provider, who could increase rates as well, but just a little less. Furthermore, the county would be obliged to pay the higher rates so that the children they already have are kept in a stable environment and are not unnecessarily removed.
The Democrat Party intends to fully endorse.
SCDN spoke with Collin Docterman, Chairman of the local Democratic Party. Docterman predicted, “I believe that my party members will vote to endorse the increase in millage for children services at our August 25th meeting.”
“One of the most important responsibilities that our county is charged with is taking care of those who are most vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. Scioto County has voted to take care of our Seniors, and people with Developmental Disabilities, and I am certain that the people of our county will also vote for funding that is more in line with the budgetary needs of our Children’s Services”.
Docterman concluded his comments by saying, “In order for the county to continue vital services and not sacrifice any forward motion that we have, I hope that you will join me in voting ‘Yes’ for the Children’s Services tax levy increase”.
The issue will be presented to the voters on November 8th.