Portsmouth Visitors Bureau would like a portion of the federal money allocated to help the county recover from the economic effects of COVID-19. They plan to use the cash to develop a comprehensive marketing plan.
The organization wants to use the funds to bring in an outside consultant to come up with ways to attract more tourists. Scioto County Commissioners discussed the request at Thursday’s meeting.
Commissioner Scottie Powell said, “I firmly believe that one of our untapped resources is our tourism industry and this would give a second set of eyes to come in and give us a different viewpoint.” He said outside eyes are especially important to understand how to draw people from Columbus and other communities to the area.
Powell said commissioners would now send the request over to the Scioto County Prosecutor’s Office to make sure it met all the guidelines for American Rescue Plan Act funding, though he was confident the request did.
Second Set of Eyes
Powell said, “All the things that are happening within the community, we start looking at what’s going on out at the campground, the river campground, Shawnee State Park and their purchase of even more land — when you look at what’s going on at Tremper Mound, which is going to be a huge visitor boon once that’s operational, the John Simon Farm and you look at our seasonal events like Winterfest, we’re blessed with the resources to attract people into the community.”
Commissioner Bryan Davis said, “It’s critical for us to have a cohesive plan. I know a lot of people do a lot of different things, but it seems like we don’t have a combined ‘this is who we are, this is what we have to offer.’ We live in one of the most beautiful parts of Ohio, we need to let people know.”
Davis said the area needed a good marketing plan that everyone could get behind. “I love it. I appreciate you working with the Visitors Bureau. I think it’s going to be great.”
The commissioner said that if our area hopes to become the next Hocking Hills, we must have a good plan. “We can draw people into the area to help our economy. Help our restaurants, help our service industries.”
Commissioners did not specify how much money was requested for the marketing plan.
Lucasville Park Planned
There was also an ARPA fund request from GLO (Growing Lucasville Opportunities) group to go towards plans for an entertainment venue.
Commissioner Powell said, “When you start looking at the side of the county, I think there’s a need for outdoor recreation space.” GLO requested $150,000 in funds. “I know they will put it to great use.”
Commissioner Davis said he believed it was a great project. “We need more recreational opportunities and lifestyle venues. Lucasville is very much underserved.”
The plan includes an amphitheater, walking trails, a shelter house, and a park.