Dispatcher says, “Thank You More” to a Volunteer Firefighter

One tiny sentence says it all

Dispatcher says, “Thank You More” to a Volunteer Firefighter

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” -Mark Twain

Let me take a few steps back and lay out the situation.

There was a serious issue in the northwest section of our county. Multiple volunteer fire departments responded. The amount of work and effort put in by these volunteers was amazing. All of the ingredients for a complete spit show were there: extreme mud, an impassable creek, and the need to land two helicopters.

Over the course of nearly two hours, the efforts of dozens of volunteers were on full display.

In the course of normal procedures, the responding unit will let dispatch know that they are clear from the scene and returning to the station. This lets dispatch know that unit is available for more calls. The typical scenario works like this, “Unit XYZ clear and returning”. To which the dispatcher would say, “Copy that.” Then close with the time of day to add to the paperwork. ” Copy that, 17:35″.

At the end of a shift, an officer will call in that they are off duty. The typical transmission goes like this. “Unit XYZ. I’m 43 (off duty/going home) have a good evening.” To that, dispatch would say ” Copy that, XYZ, 22:45, you too”.

Now, you’re up to speed. This is the twist and what brings us together now.

At the end of the “Spit Show,” the supervisor of the scene keyed up the mic to let dispatch know the scene was all clear. The volunteer stated they were all clear and returning and thanked the dispatch center for their help with the organization of so many assets required at the scene. Without hesitation, the dispatcher responded, “Thank you, more.”

That single exchange has warmed my heart for days. Honestly, friends, I can’t shake it.

We are so very thankful to all of the people that volunteer as emergency responders in this county. Dispatch is a very busy and taxing job. For that dispatcher, swarmed with calls and trying to keep an even temperament, to take that brief moment of humanity is an inspiration to us all.

“Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” C.S.Lewis.

Well, madam dispatcher, this fella took note, and now I’m sharing it with you.

To learn how to become a volunteer firefighter, start here.

Dispatcher says, “Thank You More” to a Volunteer Firefighter
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