A drunk naked woman disturbed the peace on 23rd Street and parents panic when a toddler goes missing. We hit the highlights of the Portsmouth Police Chief’s Daily Briefing.
Woman Chases Wallet Thief
Just before 9 am, a caller reported a woman had yelled for someone to call the police because a man had stolen her wallet. The woman was now chasing the man around near the underpass in the 5500 block of Gallia.
The caller said the woman was now sitting on the tracks and crying. When police arrived at the scene, they checked the tracks but were unable to locate the victim, or contact the original caller.
Unwanted Guests
Neighbors contacted officers at 11:37 am to report people inside an abandoned house on the corner of 7th and Boundary.
They said a man stayed overnight and left his bike in the garage. An officer didn’t see anyone inside the house and did their best to secure it.
Toddler Missing on Kent Street
A terrified mom called the police at 12:50 pm to say she couldn’t find her 3-year-old daughter. She described the child as wearing a pink nightgown.
The mother called back six minutes later to say she had gone back inside her apartment and found the child.
Police responded to the scene to ensure everything was okay and confirmed that the child was fine.
Smoking Dope on the Playground
A witness contacted police just after 2 pm to report four women smoking dope on the playground on Farley Court.
Officers did not find anything suspicious when they went to check things out 15 minutes later.
Under the Influence
Officers came to the aid of an ambulance crew on Royce Street that asked for help with a man on “bad drugs” acting out of it and refusing to cooperate with medics. Officers located the man at 6th and Campbell and helped get him to the ambulance. Medics transported him to SOMC for treatment.
Just before 8 pm, police responded to a call involving a troubled woman with whom they have frequent contact. The woman said she was messed up on drugs and had been robbed. Officers said she was too intoxicated to give a coherent statement. They suggested she contact them when she was sober.
Woman with Knife Spotted in Mound Park
Just before 9 pm, a concerned caller reported some strange behavior in Mound Park. She said a woman holding a knife was spinning around and talking to herself.
Police took a woman into custody for disorderly conduct. She was later released on her own recognizance.
Naked Woman Tries to Get Into 23rd Street Home
A 23rd Street resident contacted police at 9:30 pm to report a naked woman was at her door attempting to get into the house.
Officers took a woman into custody for drunk and disorderly conduct and left her at the Scioto County Jail. She was later released on her own recognizance.
Camping Out at the Post Office
Post Office employees contacted police just before 6 am to once again complain about a troubled homeless woman who frequently spends her nights in the Post Office lobby.
They asked officers to remove the woman. She left before the police arrived.