It has been my pleasure to work, over the years, with wonderful teammates, who have been maligned, plagiarized, harassed, stalked, and “canceled”. A $25,000 offer was made to me to write fluff pieces promoting tourism and new investments in the area. Similarly, I was offered $5,000 by a local business that didn’t want advertisements but wanted certain features stopped.
As Cyn Mackley organizes her book promotion tour, the Portsmouth Public Library refuses to communicate with her or return her messages. In the past, she has participated in local author showcases at the library. Despite not reporting on any controversy surrounding the Library, she was canceled by proxy.
What really happened with the Library? We published a letter to the editor (which anyone can submit), live streamed the public meeting, and live streamed the protest in favor of the books. How much more impartial and neutral could we have been? Plus, we stopped the rumors about the demolition of the donut shop and highlighted the coming annex along with all of the features and benefits it will provide at no cost to the patrons.
It is common for people to regurgitate the talking points that I am compensated by the County Commissioners. Yeah, that’s a lark. There was a Democrat behind the $25,000 bribe.
Truth be told, I have never made a penny in profit hosting SCDN locally. The opposite is true. I have made substantial personal investments in order to ensure the continued operation of the company.
Another discussion point is that we only publish negative stories. Two things to consider. If you search #SCDNlive, you’ll find hundreds of positive, inspiring stories and interviews. Second, what is a negative story? Crime?
We cannot ignore crime because that would be like hiding in a cozy, safe room with fuzzy bunnies and an endless supply of fruity drinks.
It is of the utmost importance to me that our community flourishes and grows. Crime reporting shows how law enforcement and emergency services work tirelessly to ensure your safety, your children’s safety, and the safety of your family.
It’s all about perspective, isn’t it? Where you see a tabloid headline, we see our first responders in action. Among them are many volunteers. Those folks also know what it’s like to serve without getting paid. The greater good compels them.
For years, I have remained silent on this issue. I fully expect this editorial to turn into wild-eyed accusations and claims. After our incredibly talented Cyn Mackley was treated with such disdain by the Portsmouth Public Library, it’s time to put an end to this. There are others like her as well. Our dear friends MJ Godfrey and Jacki Pick have also been ignored when their experience and knowledge would benefit so many students and community leaders.
We will not be bribed, taunted, harassed, or silenced. Report without bias. Tell the truth without compromise. Our team is amazing, and I’m so proud of each of them. It is my pleasure to stand with them.
We support our hardworking law enforcement officers, emergency workers, teachers, and healthcare providers. These are our people. We will not stop highlighting their significance in our community. There you have it, bribers and naysayers.
A county such as this one stands for law enforcement, quality schools, wellness, and responsible living. We are ripe for economic development and opportunities for our young people. We actively support the safety and wellness of our seasoned citizens. What more could you possibly ask?