With heavy hearts, we bid farewell to a cherished soul, Larry Dean Thomas, affectionately known as “Bear”. Born on September 26, 1985, in the quaint town of Portsmouth, OH, Bear touched the lives of many with his warm smile and kind spirit. Tragically, he passed away on January 12, 2024, leaving behind a void that can never be filled.
He leaves behind cherished memories in the hearts of his loved ones. His father, Scott Thomas, of Owatanna, MN and two beloved daughters: Makayla Thomas and Brooklyn Allen, three siblings: Jeremy Thomas of Portsmouth; Courtney Eldridge of Portsmouth; and Nancy Caudill of Wheelersburg, seven nephews and four nieces, will forever hold close the precious moments they shared.
He was preceded by his beloved mother, Joyce Skaggs, and his brother, Michael Thomas, grandmother, Charlotte Thomas. We envision them embracing him with open arms as he crosses over. They are reunited, providing solace and comfort in eternity.
An avid lover of nature, Bear found solace in the great outdoors. His free time was often spent casting his line into tranquil waters, seeking serenity amidst the beauty that surrounded him.
Bear was a soul who touched the lives of many through his compassion and gentle nature, he will be forever remembered. Rest peacefully, you shall be dearly missed, but never forgotten.
Please visit www.fcdaehlermortuary.com to leave a special memory of Bear or condolences for his family.