A worried dad contacted Portsmouth Police to report an issue with a Timmonds Avenue neighbor’s dog. The caller said the dog runs loose all the time and chases his children.
The man said he threatened to shoot the dog if it keeps chasing kids and also claimed the woman yelled racial slurs at him.
Portsmouth Police Officers advised the dog’s owner to keep the dog contained due to its aggressive nature. Officers also advised the owner that they would be cited and Animal Control would be called if the dog was spotted running loose again.
There was another report of loose pit bulls on Sunday morning. Officers responded to Pleasant Avenue after a witness said a loose pit butt changed them. The dog’s owner had put the animal back in the yard before police arrived. Officers advised the owner to keep the dog secure or face a citation from Animal Control.
Yet another report of a loose dog on 7th Street. A mom contacted police to say her neighbor’s dog runs loose all the time and had frightened her kids. Officers advised the owner to keep the dog under control.