Overlooked Items You Should Be Donating
If you’re the kind of person who hates throwing things away, you’re probably already familiar with at least a few things you can donate instead of trashing. Donating clothes is usually what people think of, but there’s actually a lot of other donatable items around your house that can be really useful to someone in need. Here are a few overlooked items you should be donating rather than putting in the garbage.
First Aid Items
Most people have first-aid kits somewhere in their houses. The reality is that first aid supplies are extremely important to people who can’t afford them or who are homeless. If the supplies are properly sealed, most places to which you donate them will make excellent use of them.
Underwear and Socks
Two of the most requested items in homeless shelters are underwear and socks. Again, they should still be sealed and clean, but these donations don’t just protect people who can’t afford them—they also provide a sense of dignity and security for people who need it most.
School Supplies
These are especially important in the middle of the school year. Schools get bombarded with supplies at the beginning of the school year, but halfway through, they can already be running low. Help a growing child in need with a few donations of school supplies such as pens, pencils, notebooks, and even backpacks, if you have extras.
Today’s world is hard to navigate without technology. Donating your old electronic devices may seem strange, but they can be repurposed for someone who needs it. People can use laptops to apply for jobs, and phones are useful both professionally and personally for someone who can’t afford one themselves.
Hygiene Products
This is a broad category that covers everything from toothpaste and toothbrushes to tampons and pads. These hygiene products are often very overpriced, especially for someone who has little, to begin with, but access to them can make such a huge difference in someone’s life.
With these overlooked items you should be donating, you can make a big difference in the life of someone who just needs a little bit of help. Give some thought to what your donation could mean to someone else before you throw something away.