Police Rescue Nude Wandering Toddler
An incident involving a wandering toddler is making headlines once again.
Shortly after 3:30 pm, 911 received a call reporting a small child running around Sciotoville without clothing. A Portsmouth Police unit was responding when Scioto County Sheriff, David Thoroughman, happened to be driving through the area. His attention was drawn to several cars that were backed up, and he decided to investigate.
Here are the radio communications from emergency workers.
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The dispatcher informed him of the current situation. As a result of his assistance in the search, he was able to locate the child, give her a toy, and hand her over to the local police, that arrived shortly thereafter.
The Portsmouth Police Department, in conjunction with the Portsmouth Fire Department’s Car 2, was able to locate the child’s sister.
CPS was contacted, and the investigation continues.
SCDN will update you as more details become available on this breaking story.