Portsmouth City Council members will consider $40,000 in funding for the 14th Street Community Center as well as letting voters decide to permanently cut the minimum staffing for the police and fire departments at next Monday’s meeting.
Up for a first reading is an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement between the City of Portsmouth and the 14th Street Community Center. The ordinance provides city funding of $40,000 over a period of two years, payable in annual installments of $20,000.00 per year contribution to be paid from Community Agencies Line budget.
According to the ordinance, “The 14th Street Community Center provides valuable programs. Most of their programs are grant-funded and this money would go towards helping to keep the staff and daily operational expenses.”
Reduce Minimum Staffing
Council will also consider putting a measure on the ballot to let voters decide to eliminate the minimum staffing requirements for the Portsmouth Police and Fire Departments from the city charter.
Two months ago, Portsmouth Ohio Fire Chief William Raison told Portsmouth City Council his people have been pushed to the breaking point. “We really are in a bad way. Our call volume has increased exponentially.” Chief Raison said between fire and EMS calls, it’s not uncommon to respond to two, and sometimes even three or four calls at the same time.”
At the time he requested permission to hire more personnel and pointed out that the department had been understaffed for many years according to the minimum staffing requirement in the charter.
Council Members wanted to make clear that they were not calling for staff cuts, only for eliminating minimum staffing from the charter.
Water Expansion and Stray Animals
Council will also discuss expanding the city’s water system to South Shore Kentucky and a controversial measure forbidding residents from feeding stray animals.
The meeting is scheduled for Monday at 6 pm in City Council Chambers