The information for the Restaurant Report Card comes from the Portsmouth Health Department. The results are in random order and not “ranked.” Not all restaurants are inspected every month. Health Code violations are separated into “Critical” and “Non-Critical”.
This report is not intended to besmirch any local business. Instead, we hope this is a learning tool for all food service workers and managers. Along with informing the public, please use this information to improve your knowledge and abilities in your careers. As my Grandpa said, many times, “Don’t let the same dog bite you twice”. New mistakes are expected. Don’t get caught up in a cycle of the same mistakes.
There is a common violation called “Person in Charge”. It means no one in the establishment holds a Level 2 Manager Certification. SCDN has and will continue to provide assistance to those seeking this certification. For more information, simply email [email protected].
711 Second Street, Portsmouth
1 critical & 2 non-critical
3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical *CRITICAL VIOLATION* Observed blackened debris build up on the inside of the large ice machine.
3717-1-06.1(M) / Outer openings – protected.
Observed back exit not completely sealed at the bottom corner of the door.
3717-1-04.5(A)(2) / Cleanliness of food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment and pans.
Observed debris build up on the frying baskets at the deep fryer.
Dari Creme
333 2nd St, Portsmouth
0 critical & 4 non-critical
3717-1-06.2(E) / Handwashing signage.
Observed no “employees must wash hands” sign present at the hand sink.
3717-1-04.1(KK) / Food equipment – certification and classification.
Observed a noncommercial grade crock-pot keeping caramel warm.
3717-1-04.2(I) / Sanitizing solutions – testing devices.
Observed no testing strips for sanitizer available at three-compartment sink.
3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Observed debris build up on the outdoor freezer floor. Observed debris build up on the hood system above the deep fryer.
Fish Bowl
1901 8th St, Portsmouth
2 critical & 4 non-critical
3717-1-03.2(C) / Packaged and unpackaged food – preventing contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation
Critical Corrected During Inspection *CRITICAL VIOLATION* Observed raw eggs being stored over cans of Redbull. Corrective Action: Food should be stored to prevent cross contamination.
3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical *CRITICAL VIOLATION* Observed blackened debris build up in the ice maker. Observed debris build up on fry maker/cutter. Corrective Action: All food contact surfaces and equipment should be clean to sight and touch.
3717-1-02.4(A)(2) / PIC – Manager Certification
Repeat Observed that the facility had no employees with the Level 2 food manager certification.
3717-1-04.1(KK) / Food equipment – certification and classification.
Observed a noncommercial grade container holding stuffing for mushrooms in the walk in refrigerator.
3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Observed debris build up on the conveying belt of the pizza oven.
3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing.
Observed missing floor trim throughout the men’s restroom.
Gatti’s Pizza
1658 11th St, Portsmouth
0 critical & 2 non-critical
3717-1-06.2(E) / Handwashing signage.
Observed no “employees must wash hands” sign at all three hand sinks in the kitchen area and also no proper signage in the men’s restroom.
3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Observed debris build up on rack with already prepped pizza boxes.
Haute Stuff Catering
1406 Kinney Lane, Portsmouth
0 critical & 1 non-critical
3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Observed spill debris in the bottom of the stand up refrigerator with glass doors.
Giovanni’s Pizza (Sciotoville)
315 Harding Ave, Sciotoville
0 critical & 4 non-critical
3717-1-04.2(I) / Sanitizing solutions – testing devices.
Observed that facility had test strips available but they were expired.
3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Observed debris build up on a rack holding lettuce in the walk-in refrigerator.
3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Observed debris build up on the hood system above the stove and the grill.
3717-1-06.4(D) / Cleaning ventilation systems, nuisance and discharge prohibition.
Observed dust build up on the vents of both restrooms in the facility.
McManus Smoked Meats & Frozen Treats
5810 Harding Ave, Sciotoville
1 critical & 4 non-critical
3717-1-05.1(O)(1) / Using a handwashing sink – accessible at all times
Critical Corrected During Inspection *CRITICAL VIOLATION* Observed hand washing sink in back blocked by canned food and boxes. Corrective Action: All hand washing sink should be easily accessible at all times.
3717-1-02.4(A)(2) / PIC – Manager Certification
Observed no physical proof of an employee having a level 2 food manager certification at time of inspection.
3717-1-05.3(I) / Other liquid wastes and rainwater.
Observed condensation leaking from ice machine draining slowly in drain located near the ice machine.
3717-1-06.4(F) / Drying mops.
Observed multiple mops not properly stored to air dry.
3717-1-06.4(D) / Cleaning ventilation systems, nuisance and discharge prohibition.
Observed dust build up on the ceiling vent of the women’s restroom.
Patties & Pints
546 2nd St, Portsmouth
0 critical & 4 non-critical
3717-1-06.2(E) / Handwashing signage.
Observed all hand washing sinks in the kitchen, the hand washing sinks in both restrooms, and the hand washing sink at the bar without proper signage stating “employees must wash hands”.
3717-1-06.1(M) / Outer openings – protected.
Observed a gap at the bottom of the back exit door that could allow pests inside the facility.
3717-1-04.2(I) / Sanitizing solutions – testing devices.
Observed facility had no test strips available at the time of inspection.
3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing.
Observed floor tiles in disrepair in front of the upstairs ice machine. Observed floor tiles in disrepair under a steamer pot located next to a drain. Observed the seal in disrepair on the stand of the refrigerator that contained cheese slices.
Portsmouth Eagles #4285
1630 Gallia St, Portsmouth
2 critical & 3 non-critical
3717-1-04.5(B)(1) / Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils – cleaning frequency.
Critical *Critical Violation* Observed build up debris inside of ice machine. All food contact surfaces should be kept in a good clean condition. Correct immediately.
3717-1-07.1(A) / Poisonous or toxic materials: Storage: separation.
Critical Corrected During Inspection *Critical Violation* Observed jug of Xcelente Cleaner stored on shelf above prep area next to three compartment sink in main kitchen area. All chemicals should be stored below food prep areas to avoid possible contamination.
3717-1-04.1(KK) / Food equipment – certification and classification.
Repeat Observed multiple clear containers that contain hot dogs and diced onions in bar kitchen are that appear not to be commercial grade. Observed multiple household crock pots in main kitchen area. Observed household Butterball Electric Turkey Fryer in main kitchen area next to three compartment sink. All equipment should be commercial and food grade. Correct by next inspection.
3717-1-04.2(I) / Sanitizing solutions – testing devices.
Repeat Observed no in-date sanitizer test kit available. A sanitizer test kit should kept in a good useable condition to ensure accurate concentration amounts. Correct by next inspection.
3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing.
Observed decent hole in wall floor trim next to exit door for the patio in the main kitchen area. The facility should be kept in good repair. Correct by next inspection.
Sunset Lanes & Lounge
2330 17th St, Portsmouth
1 critical & 4 non-critical
3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical *CRITICAL VIOLATION* Observed debris build up on the inside of the ice machine. Corrective Action: All food contact surfaces should be clean to sight and touch.
3717-1-06.2(E) / Handwashing signage.
Observed no “employee must wash hands” sign at the hand sink in the kitchen.
3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Observed debris build up on the inside of the microwave.
3717-1-06.4(F) / Drying mops.
Observed a mop left in dirty water overnight and was not properly hung up to air dry.
3717-1-06.2(I)(1) / Lighting – intensity (10 FC)
Observed no working light in the mop closet.
JJ’s Shenanigans
2110 Gallia St, Portsmouth
0 critical & 2 non-critical
3717-1-02.4(A)(2) / PIC – Manager Certification
Repeat Observed no physical proof of an employee having the level 2 food manager certification.
3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing.
Observed floor trim in men’s restroom in disrepair.
Hill View Retirement Center
1610 28th ST, Portsmouth
0 critical & 1 non-critical
3717-1-06.2(E) / Handwashing signage.
Observed no “employees must wash hands” sign posted at the hand sink near the stoves.
14th Street Community Center
1222 14th St, Portsmouth
0 critical & 3 non-critical
3717-1-02.4(A)(2) / PIC – Manager Certification
Person in charge stated that facility had an employee with the level 2 food manager certification but was not able to provide physical proof.
3717-1-06.2(E) / Handwashing signage.
Observed no “employees must wash hands” signage at the hand sink in the kitchen. Observed no “employees must wash hands” signage in both restrooms.
3717-1-04.2(I) / Sanitizing solutions – testing devices.
Repeat Observed that the facility’s test strips were expired.
Oasis Convenient Mart
2350 17th St, Portsmouth
1 critical & 1 non-critical
3717-1-03.4(F)(1)(b) / Time/temperature controlled for safety food – cold holding.
Critical *CRITICAL VIOLATION* Observed milk having a temperature in between 51-53 degrees Fahrenheit in the stand up refrigerator located in the kitchen area. Corrective Action: All cold holding temperatures for TCS foods should be at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing.
Observed multiple door seals in disrepair on stand up refrigerators containing alcoholic drinks and two liters of pop.
811 Gay St, Portsmouth
0 critical & 7 non-critical
3717-1-06.2(E) / Handwashing signage.
Repeat Observed no “employees must wash hands” sign posted at the hand sink in the chicken chop kitchen located at the deli department. Observed no “employees must wash hands” sign posted at the hand sink in the meat processing room located at the meat and fish department.
3717-1-05.1(C)(1) / Handwashing sink – required water temperature
Repeat Observed no hot water available at the hand washing sink located in the staging area for vegetables and fruits.
3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Repeat Observed debris build up on the rolling tray holders in the bakery department. Observed debris build up on the plastic wrapped located up front of the meat and fish department.
3717-1-06.2(H) / Toilet tissue – availability.
Repeat Observed no toilet paper available in one of the stalls in the men’s restroom.
3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Repeat Observed debris build up on the hanging lights in the loading dock area. Observed debris build up on displays throughout the facility.
3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing.
Repeat Observed the oven on the left leaking water located in the deli department. Observed ceiling tiles with water damage located above the center freezer section. Observed rust on racks where vegetables are sprayed with water. Observed paint chipping on shelves where glass jars of dressing are displayed. Observed the seal in disrepair on the dairy walk-in refrigerator door.
3717-1-06.4(D) / Cleaning ventilation systems, nuisance and discharge prohibition.
Repeat Observed debris build up on the vents of the walk-in refrigerator at the deli department that contained packaged hams and deli meat. Observed debris build up on the vents in the walk-in freezer at the bakery department. Observed ice build up on the vents of the walk-in freezer used for click list. Observed debris build up on the vents of the walk-in dairy refrigerator. Observed debris build up on the vents of the men’s restroom.
*Note-This was a follow up inspection from 3 days prior. From that inspection to this one, only 2 items were fixed.
Patsy’s Inn Restaurant
1016 Clay St, Portsmouth
0 critical & 5 non-critical
3717-1-02.4(A)(2) / PIC – Manager Certification
Observed no physical proof of a level 2 food manager certification.
3717-1-04.1(KK) / Food equipment – certification and classification.
Observed a noncommercial grade container holding lettuce in the double door refrigerator.
3717-1-04.2(I) / Sanitizing solutions – testing devices.
Observed test strips that were expired.
3717-1-04.5(D) / Nonfood-contact surfaces – cleaning frequency.
Observed ice build up in the freezer containing rolls. Observed ice build up in the freezer containing raw chicken breast. Observed ice build up in the freezer containing coconut pies. Observed debris build up in the bottom of the refrigerator with the double doors. Observed debris build up on the bottom of the refrigerator containing eggs.
3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing.
Observed the ceiling chipping away in the upstairs storage area. Observed the ice machine door in disrepair.
Scioto Ribber
1026 Gallia St, Portsmouth
0 critical & 2 non-critical
3717-1-04.2(I) / Sanitizing solutions – testing devices.
Observed test strips available but were expired.
3717-1-04.5(A)(3) / Cleanliness of nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment.
Observed multiple storage racks with rust and debris build up in both meat processing walk-in refrigerators.
Sonora Mexican Grill
1701 Grandview Ave, Portsmouth
1 critical & 4 non-critical
3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical *CRITICAL VIOLATION* Observed debris build up on the inside of the ice machine. Corrective Action: All food contact surfaces should be clean to sight and touch. Correct immediately.
3717-1-06.2(E) / Handwashing signage.
Observed no “employees must wash hands” sign posted in the men’s restroom.
3717-1-05.1(S) / Plumbing system – maintained in good repair.
Observed the drain pipe of the sink located next to the dish washer dripping water with a container underneath the pipe to catch the leaking water.
3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning – frequency and restrictions.
Observed debris build up on the floor of the walk-in freezer.
3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing.
Observed floor tiles in disrepair in front of the three compartment sink, in front of the freezer door, in front of the grill, and in front of the back exit door.
Stadium Lunch
1829 Jackson St, Portsmouth
0 critical & 4 non-critical
3717-1-04.1(KK) / Food equipment – certification and classification.
Observed two noncommercial crock pots keeping chili warm behind the bar.
3717-1-04.2(I) / Sanitizing solutions – testing devices.
Repeat Observed no test strips available in the facility.
3717-1-06.4(F) / Drying mops.
Observed mop drying in mop bucket after being used.
3717-1-06.4(D) / Cleaning ventilation systems, nuisance and discharge prohibition.
Observed debris build up on the vents of the walk-in refrigerator.
Perfect Inspections
During this inspection cycle, Long John Silvers had the only perfect inspection.