A report of a man chasing a child and yelling slurs had an officer and citizens searching a hillside on Sunday. Plus, police dealt with a husband upset because SOMC refused to let him see with his wife. There’s also a long list of issues related to drugs. These are just the highlights of what went down on Sunday. If you’d like the unfiltered list, become a VIP member of Scioto County Daily News. Click here to learn how it works.
Worried Husband
- Just after midnight, officers were called to the main campus of Southern Ohio Medical Center for a report of a man who refused to leave the property
- The man was upset with the hospital policy that prevented him from visiting his wife.
- Police discovered he had a traffic warrant. The hospital agreed to let him stay in his truck.
High Times and ODs
- At 12:20 am, police were called to 17th Street for a report of an intoxicated man falling down in the street. Officers found a sober person to take him home.
- Just before 4 am, police were called to Auburn Avenue. An intoxicated man was on the back porch arguing the homeowner. Police say he was extremely impaired on drugs and alcohol. Police took the man home. Five hours later the same man was found wandering around Farney Avenue.
- Police were called to the Dollar General just after 7 pm for a report of a high man pushing a baby in a stroller. Officers said the man and baby appeared to be fine.
- Just after 8 pm, police were summoned to the Oasis Convenient Mart on 17th Street for a report of a man overdosing. He was gone by the time they arrived.
- At the same time, another OD was reported on 8th Street. The man was taken to SOMC.
- Just after 8:30, an overdose was reported on Gallia Street. The man refused medical attention
- An employee of Valero Gas called police at 8:45 pm to report that drugs were found in the store. Police collected it for destruction.
- At 11 pm, police were called to Mound Street for a report of a possible overdose. They were gone by the time police arrived.
Wrong-Way Driver
- Police responded to Kendall Avenue for a report of an elderly driver on the wrong side of the road. It turns out the man was driving on medication.
- Officers arranged for a taxi to take him home.
Meanwhile at Speedway
At 3 am, police were called to Speedway on Gallia for a report of a woman shoplifting. She was trespassed from the property.
Family Problems
- Just after 9 am, a woman called police to Ritchie Street. She said that one brother had assaulted her other brother.
- When officers arrived, the parties involved refused to talk to the police.
Can’t We All Just Get Along
Just after 5 pm, police were called to Farley Court for a report of a man and woman arguing. The woman told police that her father didn’t know one of the guests and the apartment.
The man gets upset when he doesn’t recognize people. All parties said there was no violence and no threats.
Child In Danger
Just after 3 pm, police were called to Wayne Avenue for a disturbing report of a child in danger. A witness said he saw a man chasing a child and screaming at him. The man called the child a “faggot” and also yelled, “Come here, I know you want some.”
The officer and several residents searched the hillside and a nearby park. They didn’t find anyone. Residents were advised to call the police if they heard anything else.