PPD, Sheriff, and OSP Team Up to Look For Prowler
The Scioto County Sheriff’s Office, Ohio State Patrol, and Portsmouth Police teamed up to look for a suspicious person.
Deputies were out in the area of Boren Blvd. searching for a man reported to be aggressively banging on a woman’s door just after midnight.
At the same time, an OSP Trooper was near Swauger Valley Road assisting a disabled vehicle, when he spotted a man looking in windows in the area.
The Sheriff’s Office thought the suspect might be on Kiff St. in Portsmouth, so they notified PPD, who joined them at the address. The man they were looking for was not at the home.
Prowler Spotted on 7th Street
Portsmouth Police Officer investigated reports of a prowler in the 2000 block of 7th Street.
Just before 3 am, a resident reported someone behind their house. Police say someone, possibly a woman. wearing a dark hoodie ran between houses, jumped the fence, and took off.
Three units checked the area but could not locate her. Officers advised neighbors to lock their doors and call the police if they spot anything suspicious.
Around 4 am, a neighbor spotted two people between some houses, but officers could not locate them.
At 5:23 am, another report came in of two people in the front yard of a 7th Street home. The resident thought it might be homeless people staying in a neighboring vacant house. Officers looked around the area but didn’t find anyone.
Suspicious Man Turns Heads on US 52
A man on a bicycle turned heads on US 52 just before 1 am. A caller reported a bizarre scene near the exit ramp for St. Rt. 140.
They said the man was riding a bike and carrying a ladder, plus he seemed to be on drugs. PPD Officers held him until Sheriff’s Deputies came to pick him up. They booked him into the Scioto County Jail.
About an hour later, an Offnere Street resident reported two suspicious people riding bicycles. Police stopped the pair and discovered that one of the men was the subject of a missing person’s report.
The man said he was fine. Officers gave them a warning for not having lights on their bicycles.