Runaway Child Taken to ER
At 12:47 am, officers responded to a PMHA apartment on 14th Street for a report that a runaway child from Lawrence County was there. Officers were advised that the child had an open warrant and could be aggressive.
Police took her into custody and transported her to Juvenile Court. The child appeared to be high, so a juvenile court officer transported her to SOMC for treatment.
Just before 4 pm, Juvenile Court employees asked officers to pick up the child and take her to the county jail. They said the child was a fighter and a biter and would require two officers to keep her under control.
The child was turned over to a deputy.
Angry Daughter Kicks Mom’s Car
Officers responded to Ritchie Street after a woman reported her angry daughter was kicking her parked car.
When police arrived at the scene, they learned the woman’s family did not want her on the property. Police said she was argumentative but eventually agreed to leave the scene after she was warned she could be taken to jail.
Huffer Caught Behind the Wheel on St. Rt. 140
Officers responded to a report of an intoxicated driver at Gampp’s BP on St. Rte. 140.
Deputies sent for an Ohio State Trooper to perform a field sobriety test and noted that the driver seemed to sober up while officers spoke to him.
Deputies confiscated the man’s inhalant and arranged for a friend to come pick him up.