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A shocking case of judicial misconduct has rocked Portsmouth as  Municipal Court Judge Russell D. Kegley landed himself in hot water for violating his own court’s policies—to help his son get out of jail! The Ohio Supreme Court handed him a six-month fully stayed suspension after he pulled strings to release his son before a court hearing. Here’s how it all went down: 


May 2023 – Domestic Violence Arrest Judge Kegley’s son, Case Kegley, is arrested for allegedly attacking his wife, E.K., an employee of the Scioto County Prosecutor’s Office. Police arrive at the Kegley home to find E.K. with facial injuries, a bloody nose, and a busted lip. Officers claim Case was drunk and resisted arrest, leading to him being tased three times before being thrown in the slammer. 

That Same Night – Judge Kegley Pulls Strings While Case is cooling off in jail, he makes several calls to his dad. A couple of hours later, Judge Kegley rings up the jail, identifies himself as “Judge Kegley,” and tells the officers to let his son sign his bond and go home. 

Jail Staff Questions the Order The order goes against court policy, which states that domestic violence suspects must remain in custody until their first court appearance. But after consulting a supervisor, jail officials agree to let Case out once he sobers up. 

Early Morning – Case Released, Wife Left in Danger Case is let out of jail without his wife being notified. He returns home, where E.K. is still present. 

Morning After – Alarms Go Off E.K. doesn’t show up for work, raising red flags. A prosecutor’s office administrator realizes Case was released early and contacts Portsmouth Police Chief Debra Brewer. Brewer immediately orders a welfare check and rushes to the courthouse to confront Judge Steven L. Mowery. 

Case Fails to Show Up in Court – Warrant Issued! When Case fails to appear for his scheduled court hearing, Judge Mowery issues an arrest warrant. 

Police Swarm the Kegley Home Officers find E.K. on the front porch, claiming she’s okay, but they know Case is inside. Reinforcements, including a SWAT unit, are called in. Case, sensing the heat, calls his father for help again. 

Judge Kegley Tries to Intervene – AGAIN! The judge shows up at the scene and advises his son to surrender. Case is arrested without the SWAT team having to break in. He’s hauled back to jail, now facing an additional charge for failing to appear in court. 

June 2024 – Disciplinary Charges Filed The Office of Disciplinary Counsel charges Judge Kegley with violating judicial ethics, accusing him of abusing his position to influence his son’s case. The Board of Professional Conduct recommends a public reprimand. 

March 2025 – Supreme Court Lays Down the Law The Ohio Supreme Court says a slap on the wrist isn’t enough. The justices issued a six-month fully stayed suspension, meaning if Judge Kegley steps out of line again, he’s off the bench!  


This wasn’t just bad judgment—it was a blatant abuse of power! Judge Kegley ignored his own court’s rules, putting his daughter-in-law in harm’s way and shaking public trust in the justice system. 

The Supreme Court made it clear: judges can’t bend the law for family favors. While Kegley dodged a harsher penalty this time, he’s walking a tightrope. One more slip, and he’s out for good! 

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