For athletes, self-improvement doesn’t start and stop with practice days. What you do outside of games and team practice directly affects how well you will perform. With the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have found it challenging to get the exercise you need to stay in shape for your sport. In that case, it may be worth investing in a home gym for accessible and convenient training. To help you build that gym, let us suggest some of the best exercise equipment for athletes.
Cardio Machines
Cardio is beneficial for improving your stamina and endurance, and it helps you burn off any extra fat you might have gained during the quarantine. Some of the best machines include classics such as treadmills, stair-climbers, or ellipticals to give you intensive and varied exercises that will effectively get your heart pumping and blood flowing. Ellipticals will provide a better full-body workout by involving your arms, while treadmills or stair-climbers can help you build lower-body strength with features like inclines and interval settings working your muscles harder.
Strength Training
Next, some of the best exercise equipment for athletes looking to build muscle include equipment that allows you to perform multiple strength exercises, such as a functional trainer. This type of multifunctional equipment is perfect if you’re short on space and only have room for one machine. Dumbbells are also an excellent investment because you can use them for dedicated workouts or to supplement bodyweight exercises for an even greater challenge.
Recovery Periods
Of course, rest days are an important part of your exercise routine. However, you’ll still be doing a little bit of exercise on these days so that you don’t suddenly throw the brakes on muscles so used to intense activity. Practice some light exercise or rejuvenating stretches with stretch trainers, rubber resistance bands, or foam rollers. These exercises don’t push your muscles so hard that you risk injuring yourself from overusing or exhausting your muscles.