How safe is Scioto County? Looking at the police logs and reading people’s online posts, you might think it’s pretty darn dangerous, but where does it really stack up compared to the rest of the country?
Statistics provided by paint an interesting picture that’s backed up by what we’ve seen on call logs from PPD and Scioto County Sheriff’s Office. These grades are based on the number of crimes per 1,000 people.
Two years ago when we checked into these stats, Lucasville was the worst part in the county with a failing grade of “F.” This time around, that community was upgraded to a D. Large parts of Lucasville still get a failing grade of “F” for safety. However, the Tomlinson Addition and surrounding streets get an A for safety.
New Boston is split between a D and an F score with an overall grade of D.
Franklin Furnace also scores a D.
Just how safe Portsmouth is depends on where you live. The area between 4th and 11th Street gets a failing grade, as do some neighborhoods near Mound Park as well as Wayne Hills, Mabert Road, and the surrounding area.
However, some parts of the Hilltop manage to score a C grade, while areas like Willow Way, Seneca Drive, and Old Post Road get an A for safety. But the overall score for the city is a big fat D.
The Minford area has improved dramatically since we last checked it. It had a grade of “D” two years ago but now ranks as a B+. South Webster scores a solid C, and Rarden ranks a surprising D for violent crime, though it scores C overall.
Most of the Rosemount/Clay Township area ranks an A- or a B.
West Portsmouth’s scores dropped to a C- with large parts of the community scoring a D.
Wheelersburg scores a C+ which is a drop from from its A score two years ago. While large parts of the city are ranked A or A- for safety, the area of Ohio River Road Scores Cs and Ds, with the area near Porter Street and Ainsley Avenue having a concentration of crimes.
The state of Ohio has an overall crime grade of A-. Scioto County Scores an overall grade of C, with property crime being the biggest problem. That’s down from two years ago when the average score was a B.