The Best Dog For You to Get as a Pet, According to Your Zodiac Sign
Admit it. You’ve always dreamed of having a dog in your life. The cute, furry creatures are extremely adorable. If you think of your childhood, you have tons of cute pictures of dogs in your mind. And, of course, this includes Fido.
The problem is that we all love different things. Some love dogs for their loyalty, while others are more of a cat person. And then there are those who want a cute companion, but don’t really care too much about training the animal. But no matter what, it’s a good idea to pick out the best dog for your personality.
If you want an obedient friend, you can go with a dog that is meant to be obedient. But if you want something that’s energetic and will give you lots of love, then that might be best. Knowing what animal fits you is the first step to choosing a suitable pup.
If you’re interested in finding out what your zodiac sign would be best suited for, you’re in luck. Here’s what the stars say about your personality, and which furry friend would fit best with your personality.
1 Aries (March 21 – April 19):
A Labrador Retriever. Meet this strong, reliable, loyal pup. They’re highly intelligent and sweet, yet are still loyal to their owners. They’re also big, strong, and athletic, which means they’re extremely durable. As long as you can look after them and teach them how to behave well, they’re guaranteed to be great pets. They make for excellent family dogs. You’ll love your dog with your whole heart, no matter what they’re capable of doing.
2 Taurus (April 20 – May 20):
A Golden Retriever. Your dog would definitely be your constant companion. You’re a reliable and kind person, so if they’re reliable and kind to others, then they’re loyal to you. They’ll always be happy to be by your side, whether you’re doing something productive or relaxing. A golden retriever would be great for you because they’re so loyal. They don’t care about whether you have things to do or if there’s anything in the way of their love and care. This is just something that you can give them.
3 Gemini (May 21 – June 20):
A Saint Bernard. You’re incredibly social, and so your dog should be, too. Saint Bernards are social dogs and would definitely love to hang out with you all the time. They’ll love you even if you’re not home, and they’ll follow you around just in case you want to take a walk with them. Just be prepared for them to constantly be by your side, no matter what.
4 Cancer (June 21 – July 22):
A Newfoundland. You’d be your dog’s best friend. They’d love you no matter what, and you would love them, too. They’d be there for you when you needed them the most, and make sure that you were happy every day. They also love to play, so a Newfoundland would be the perfect match for you. Even if you’re a cat person, it’s hard to beat this smart, dependable breed of dog.
5 Leo (July 23 – August 22):
A Boxer. Your dog would love you no matter what you do or say. You’d love to just sit around and enjoy all of the things that he has to offer. You’d love for your dog to hang around you all the time, just in case you get bored. It would also be great if he could be your buddy on walks. The Boxer is incredibly reliable and loyal. He’d love to be your constant companion.
6 Virgo (August 23 – September 22):
A Poodle You’re a kind person who tries to find the best in everyone. You’re also the perfect person to be your dog’s best friend. They’d love to hang out with you, and they’d treat you with respect. They’re just a good dog.
7 Libra (September 23 – October 22):
A Cocker Spaniel. You’re very confident in yourself, and you’ve got a lot of friends. So, your dog would probably be confident in you, too. They’d love to spend their days outside with you, and you’d love to spend time with them. You’d be the best-ever dog owner. They’re also great runners and would be a perfect match for you. They’re also very loving.
8 Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):
A Great Dane Your dog would be a very caring and protective one. You would, of course, be caring and protective of him, too. The Great Dane would be very reliable and intelligent, too. You’d love having a dog like this around you, just in case you get into a sticky situation. Just be prepared for your dog to protect you. They would just be there to stand up for you.
9 Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):
A Rhodesian Ridgeback. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are truly impressive. They’re known for their strength, and they’re definitely worth having around in case you ever get into a sticky situation. They’re also loyal to their family, and they’re usually a family dog. They’re a family dog who would love you no matter what. They’ll be your best friend in the most fantastic way.
10 Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):
A Golden Retriever. You’re a very smart person, but sometimes, you have trouble finding the right people to spend time with. It’s okay to be a little bit stuck on people, but you’ll definitely fall in love with the Golden Retriever, too. They’d love spending time with you, and they’d make you the best dog owner you’ve ever had. They’ll protect you at all costs, and you’d love them for that.
11 Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):
A Bulldog You’ve got lots of energy, and you’re a very driven person. Your dog would love the time to spend with you, and you would love to spend your days with them. The Bulldog is an amazing dog to have around, and you’d love them to come to spend time with you. They’re a loyal, strong, smart, and powerful breed of dog, so it would be cool to have a pup like that around, in case you ever need to act quickly. They’re an incredibly loving breed, so you’d love to be able to have a dog like that around, just in case you need a friend.
12 Pisces (February 19 – March 20):
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. These sensitive and loving creatures are a perfect match for a Pisces. While friendly, a Pisces enjoys spending quality time alone, just like the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The Spaniel is a sensitive breed, favoring a select group of people, and makes a perfect companion because it’s willing to go anywhere. If a Pisces wants some alone time away from other people, this dog will be right by their side, giving them all the love they could want.