A dispute over the disposition of a doublewide mobile home lead to a death threat just after 1 pm. A man told Scioto County Sheriff’s Deputies that another man came to his house and threatened to kill him if he didn’t pay the money he owed him.
He said the man had a gun and also choked him. Officers learned the dispute stemmed from the sale of a doublewide. The man did not want to press charges.
Officers advised the fellow he owed the money to that he should file a civil complaint and that the two should stay away from each other.
Grand Theft Auto on Charles Street
A man contacted Portsmouth Police at 3:30 am to report a stolen car. He said his lime green Ford was stolen from the 2100 block of Charles Street around 2:30 am.
However, he didn’t want to press charges. He said he would wait a few days to see if the person who took the car returned it to him. If not, he’d sign a complaint.
Concrete Truck Takes Out Power Lines
A concrete truck crash on 11th Street knocked down multiple power lines just before 11 am.
The truck left the scene, but officers contacted the business the driver worked for and told them to send him back to the scene. Police also contacted AEP and Frontier and blocked off the alley until utility companies were able to put up orange cones while they made repairs.
Police spotted another downed line at Vinton and Young Street. An officer said it was lying in the road. Though the officer was unsure if the line was live, they moved it out of the way of traffic.