Scioto County is “on the path” to creating a children’s home. Scioto County Commissioner Bryan Davis revealed the plan during Thursday’s county commissioners’ meeting. However, he stressed that such a facility probably won’t be what many people have in mind. There’s a very good reason. “The State of Ohio isn’t real crazy about children’s homes.”
Without state funding, the cost to operate a children’s home in Scioto County would be astronomical. “An operating levy would be at least $3 million That’s just the operating levy. The money to build or find a facility that can be remodeled is way more than that.”
However, Davis said that won’t stop the county from finding a way to help kids in need.
A Safe Place
Davis said he and other commissioners have worked on a plan for over a year. “We’ve been talking about how to facilitate a safe place for children”
The commissioners and new Scioto County CPS Director Jason Mantell want to create a smaller facility. Davis said, “Maybe even a large house where kids who are newly removed from the custody of parents or guardians where they can be safe.”
Children taken into CPS custody would be placed in this home to be evaluated mentally and physically. It would also give caseworkers and a judge time to assess the situation and find the best foster care placement options. “We believe that buffer, that time is needed. Especially when you consider kids being pulled out of home at 2 o’clock on a Saturday. ”
Annabell Should Not Be Dead
Commissioner Davis also addressed the death of 5-year-old Annabell Greene. The child died after CPS placed her in the care of her grandparents, who are charged with her murder. “Procedure was not followed in my estimation. And we have another dead child as a result. Annabell should not be dead.”
Davis went on to say that many find it incomprehensible that parents and grandparents would kill a child. “But we found out with Dylan Groves that can happen. Now we found again that allegedly that’s what’s happened in this case.”
A Trainwreck
Davis said the commissioners struggled to fix CPS problems for years. “There was dysfunction within the organization and we knew that. We tried to work diligently with the director and the board at the time.”
The commissioner emphasized that the Children Services Board runs the agency, not the commissioners. “We heard from a lot of people there were problems. We communicated those issues. Change did not come. And we lost Dylan Groves.”
However, Davis said that since the state stepped in and took charge, positive changes happened. He praised interim director Lowell Howard. Davis called Howard an agent of change. “His time ran out. He gave everything he had. He worked hard. ODJFS sent a team down to help. Lowell brought them in and told them ‘We have a train wreck down here.’ They came in and trained and helped.”
An Agent of Change
New CPD Director Jason Mantell also impressed Davis. “We have talked to our new director. I am personally convinced he is a change agent. I believe the children’s services board is committed to doing so. We’ll see. There are things that need to be talked about. It’s very good to have a director at CPS who is forward-thinking.”
Time To Step Up
Davis said that it’s time for people to step forward to offer their time and talent to help kids. “A lot of people have said a lot of things, ‘I’ll help, I’ll give money, I’ll volunteer. But they haven’t been given the avenue to do so.”
The commissioner said a new children’s home is the perfect chance. “Well, that time is now. We’re going to start down the path to creating that entity. . Someone said one way to create something is to speak it into creation. We need help, we need professionals, we need those who can pass a background check and have the professional skill to contact children’s service and contact us.”
Reunification Not Always Best
Commissioner Mike Crabtree criticized the emphasis on family reunification over the safety of children. “We need to kind of push our state legislature to heighten restrictions on what kind of environment is safe for children.” He said kids are placed in homes without running water and other unsuitable environments. Crabtree said officials should ask themselves, “How would I feel if my grandchild were placed in a place like this? Not concentrating on this family reunification frame of mind.”
Commissioner Cathy Coleman agreed. “There are successful reunification stories but the last two that we’ve had…” She offered another solution. “There’s a lot of people in this county who have the means and the love in their heart. We desperately need foster parents. Please consider foster parenting.”
Davis added, “There’s also temporary. You can temporarily take a child and provide for their needs. I call on our faith community. I really encourage those in the faith community to reach out to CPS and ask how can I help. Think about bringing someone into your home if you have the means.”
Candidate Speaks
County Commissioner candidate John K. McHenry contacted SCDN to voice his support of a Scioto County Children’s Home. “Commissioners have entertained the idea over the last couple of years. They have even taken tours of homes that they felt were operating safely and efficiently. We should quit window shopping and make some actionable plans.”